Let’s Hike and Not Use Park City Taxi

The Let’s Hike Blog invites our readers to not make use of Park City taxi and hike instead. The purpose of this blog is to encourage people to hike so it probably comes as no surprise (especially to our loyal readership) that we have taken the time to extend this invitation. There are many salient reasons to hike as opposed to taking a taxi to get from one location to another. Sometimes a taxi is not a practicable option. This is especially true in areas where people tend to hike. For example, no one would expect to see a taxi driving along a mountain path or through the back woods.


Now one particular route where it would be a better option in which to take motorized transportation is the route from Salt Lake City to Park City. Nevertheless we invite our readers to hike that route as well. We do this not only because we are a blog dedicated to encouraging our readership to hike, but also because hiking is a pleasant and healthy activity in which to take part. Just because a distance is far and perhaps one better suited for an automobile does not preclude the possibility that it can be hiked.

Hikers enjoy a challenge. As such, it makes sense that a route that one might not consider a normal hiking route might not be considered precisely because it would be a challenging route to hike. Therefore, we encourage our readership to hike it. It is a challenging route and not one a hiker is likely to consider. And so gentle readers tell the cab driver to pull over. Get out of the cab and simply start hiking. You know you want to.

Hiking Made Easier With Park City Transportation

The Let’s Hike Blog has received various reports about people using Park City transportation in order to ease the burden that has been imposed upon them due to their rigorous hiking schedules. It would be untrue to say that the manner in which this burden has been lessened is the same across all hikers. For example, one hiker lessened their burden by using transportation in Park City to convey them from their house to the trail head. Whereas another hiker actually performed the entire hike using said transportation. Of course this does not technically count as actually hiking but c’est la vie as they say.


This does raise an interesting question as to what exactly constitutes hiking. The Let’s Hike Blog research team looked into this and discovered that there really is not one agreed upon definition of the term “hiking.” Essentially however, we can all appreciate that the term “hiking” refers to the activity of walking outdoors. There is a great deal of wiggle room within this definition. The hiking can be leisurely or it can be vigorous for example. The hiking can take place over flat terrain or up the side of a steep mountain for another example.

Under no definition that our research team was able to discover was the term hiking used to refer to a person traveling inside a vehicle of some sort. Now some people might argue that conveying one’s self through the use of one’s legs is a perfectly legitimate form of transportation. And if we are referring to leg powered transportation then we would agree that that form of transportation would fall under the definition of “hiking” as is commonly understood. However, we all have the sense that this is not what is being referred to when we use the term Park City transportation.