Best Practices in Custom Cannabis Packaging

In 2023, the US cannabis packaging market grew from 428 million dollars the previous year to 479 million dollars. That’s a 51-million-dollar increase! Nothing to sneeze at by any standards.

Of course, this is mainly due to the legalization of cannabis in several US states. But beyond that, it points to the realization of the importance of custom cannabis packaging by cannabis manufacturers. 

Suitable packaging can differentiate between failing and thriving in a competitive market. And it’s not just about aesthetics. The ideal packaging must reflect your brand’s identity and values while helping market your product. It must also ensure the product maintains its freshness and potency long after production. 

So, what are the best custom cannabis packaging practices you can implement to succeed? 

Let’s jump right in.

Best Approaches to Creating the Ideal Custom Cannabis Packaging 

Some of the best practices to follow in developing the ideal custom cannabis packaging are: 

#1. Prioritize Sustainable Materials

Sustainable custom cannabis packaging begins with the choice of materials. It would be best to opt for eco-friendly options such as recycled paper, biodegradable plastics, or compostable materials. Moreover, explore packaging made from recycled ocean plastics or use hemp-based materials.  

These choices reduce environmental impact and align with the preferences of environmentally conscious consumers. Consequently, prioritizing sustainability in material selection enables you to build a responsible and respected brand.

#2. Innovative Design for Functionality

Custom cannabis packaging shouldn’t just be visually appealing. It must also be functional. As such, you should be innovative with your designs and ensure the packaging effectively serves its purpose. That includes sealing the product properly and providing easy access to users.

#3. Brand Consistency and Recognition

Consistency in branding is crucial for creating a recognizable and memorable identity. That being the case, use consistent branding elements across different product lines. This helps you create a cohesive and recognizable brand image. Branding elements have to do with the way you utilize color schemes, logos, and typography. Furthermore, you should ensure your custom cannabis packaging designs align with your brand’s overall message and image.

#4. Clear and Compliant Labeling

Your custom cannabis packaging should include clear and compliant labeling that provides essential information to consumers. This includes THC/CBD content, dosage instructions, and relevant warnings. Transparency builds trust and ensures the safety of consumers.

#5. Interactive Elements for Engagement

Foster engagement with your audience by incorporating interactive elements into your custom cannabis packaging. For instance, you can use QR codes that link to product information. You can also utilize unique packaging designs that invite consumers to share their experiences on social media. This creates a sense of community around your brand.

#6. Collaborate with Artists or Designers

Collaborations can bring a fresh and artistic perspective to your custom cannabis packaging. As such, partner with local artists or designers to create limited-edition packaging. This helps to capture attention and spark interest. It also allows for a unique touch to your products and supports the local creative community.

#7. Regularly Evaluate and Evolve

The cannabis industry is dynamic, and consumer preferences are ever-changing. Owing to this, regularly evaluate the effectiveness of your custom packaging strategy and be willing to evolve. You can determine the effectiveness of your packaging strategies through feedback from customers. Furthermore, stay informed about emerging trends in custom cannabis packaging. This ensures that your brand remains relevant and competitive.


Custom cannabis packaging is not just a containment for your products; it’s a powerful tool for brand differentiation. As such, it’s essential to adopt the best approaches for custom cannabis packaging. This way, you can use your packaging to create a lasting impression of your product.